Six Thinking Hats

Part 2 out of 3

Summary from the Exersize

Regarding the six thinking hats exercise, I feel that I learned a lot about what I plan on doing. I realized that some of the ideas that I originally had in mind were either rather difficult to achieve, or simply not good ideas in the first place. I also learned about a bunch of new ideas I could implement into my project. I now know that I can make something that is now far more unique from my competition. I personally feel as if I represent the white hat the most.

Part 3 our of 3

White Hat

We discussed the information that I would need to build my site. I went over what issues that other sites make that I could improve upon and what things that they do right that I can implement. I need to know the proper coding for building my website in order to create it in the first place.

Red Hat

We went over our issues with other website that achieve a similar goal to what I plan on doing. We also discussed how good my ideas would be compared to theirs.

Black Hat

We talked about what I would need to learn in order to acutally achieve the goals I set for the project, mostly just the issues involving coding. We also talked about how my website would actually compare to others.

Yellow Hat

We both discussed my ideas and how they were good and how they could be improved, such as how some of the things I suggested could be better than other sites.

Green Hat

We mostly talked about some of the small things I could do to improve my site. We came up with some formatting ideas for my site that would both be convenient and also unique.

Blue Hat

We reflected on everything we went over and then came up with a plan for how would go about building my site. I first needed to become more fluent with the programming language before I could anything important. Then with that knowledge, I could go about implementing the ideas I learned from discussing the other hats.


I learned how I would go about making the site not only far more useful for its intended purpose, but also how it can differ itself from the other website that serve a similar use. This mostly has to do with the formatting ideas that we came up with during the discussion.