My Dream Job

My Idea

I take great interest in animation, especially motion caputre animation, so anything related to those fields would be a occupation that I would enjoy. However, I am decently well versed in general design, and would galdly take an opportunity to work in that feild aswell. In the end, as long as I am satisfied and can make a living, I will be okay with the job.

Associate Animator

Gearbox is an award winning game development studio. This job as an animator is focused on character animation for their games. I have taken multiple animation classes, and have had experiance working as a part of team on a large project through animation lab. I feel that this would be a nice job to introduce me to the industry.

Motion Graphics Designer / Animator

This job will have me as a motion graphic designer in their company, who will work with video content advertising campaigns. I am fluent in humane design so I could do well working with advertisement. I also have plenty of experiance working as a team and alone if necessary. This job would suit my interests well.

Senior technical Animator

ZeniMax media, who has experiance working with multiple popular games is looking for a senior animator. Obviously I am not experianced enough to be qualified for that position, but it is a good dream job. The job itself will involve animating with high quality rigs and working with the leads of other teams to produce a good final product. This is the type of job that I would like to have later on in my career.